Yiorgos Karahalis Reuters |
Greek protesters clash with police at austerity strike Reuters
Demonstrators clashed with police in front of the Greek parliament on Wednesday as tens of thousands rallied at the start of a general strike timed to coincide with a vote on a bitterly resented new round of austerity measures.
Protesters showered police with stones and fire bombs on the steps of the parliament building, forcing them to retreat. The boom of tear gas canisters fired by police rang out over Syntagma Square while black smoke curled into the air.
For the first time since the crisis broke out two years ago, demonstrators reached the steps of the neo-classical building and there was a bitter tang of tear gas inside, a Reuters reporter said.
Greek strikers aim to shut down nation in protest (CNN)
Athens, Greece -- Strikers in Greece aimed to shut down wide sectors of the country Wednesday, a day before lawmakers vote on a new round of tough cost-cutting measures.
"Don't bow your head, it's time for resistance and struggle," marchers chanted in Athens as numbers began to swell for a union-backed demonstration.
"I'm here for my children and everyone else's children. Those punks in there have destroyed everyone's lives," said former railway worker Diamandis Goufas, 62, pointing at parliament.
Greeks are angry at yet another round of planned austerity measures as Greece tries to bring down its stratospheric debt.
Yiannis Behrakis Reuters |
Greece general strike begins over spending cuts BBC
A general strike is under way in Greece, grounding flights, halting most public services and shutting offices and shops. The 48-hour strike comes as parliament prepares to vote on the latest round of austerity measures, including more tax hikes, pay cuts and job losses. Tens of thousands have gathered in Athens to protest, amid tight security. Greece is struggling to reduce a huge government deficit amid fears it may default and set off a eurozone crisis. The EU and IMF have demanded tough cuts in return for two bailouts. The pace of protests in Greece has been increasing for several weeks, with lightning strikes across virtually every sector of the economy.
Two-day general strike under way in Greece Al Jazeera |
Thousands of protesters have marched in the Greek capital Athens at the start of a two-day general strike, as parliament prepares to vote on sweeping new austerity measures designed to stave off a default that could trigger a crisis in the wider eurozone.
Police were deployed in force in central Athens on Wednesday as protest marches began, blocking a road by parliament and shutting down two nearby metro stations.
At least 3,000 officers were stationed around the city, with additional forces guarding possible targets of violence such as embassies and government buildings.
Most of the country's professional classes joined the walkout, including civil servants, tax collectors, doctors and teachers.
Yiorgos Karahalis Reuters |
Griechenland vor der Entscheidung SPIEGEL
Wenn es derzeit so etwas wie eine krisenfreie Zone in Griechenland gibt, dann ist es das Hilton-Hotel im Athener Nobelstadtteil Kolonaki. Vor dem Haupteingang patrouillieren bullige Wachmänner und bewaffnete Polizisten, die dafür sorgen, dass Autonome, Anarchisten und andere Ruhestörer sich nicht doch in die marmorne Lobby des Hauses verirren. Hier also steigt Georgios Floridis ab, wenn er in die Hauptstadt kommt.
Sciopero generale, Grecia paralizzata LA STAMPA
Il programma di aiuti per la Grecia «può funzionare ed ha la possibilità di avere successo». E «Risanare i conti pubblici non significa necessariamente recessione. In certi casi c’è un aggiustamento inevitabile e doloroso, ma ciò non significa che non sia possibile ripristinare fiducia, crescita e occupazione». Questo è il «messaggio» del presidente della Commissione europea Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, che stamane ha ricordato che «ci sono alcuni casi in cui i programmi di aiuti funzionano ed hanno funzionato, all’interno ed all’esterno della zona euro».
Massive strike shuts down Greece ahead of austerity vote DEUTSCHE WELLE
Greek unions began a 48-hour strike Wednesday, which one newspaper has called the "mother of all strikes." Government departments, businesses, schools, shops and bakeries are set to be closed, with the action culminating in a massive protest outside parliament. The general strike is expected to ground flights, shut down public transport and most public services, and unions plan to disrupt a vote in parliament on some of the toughest austerity measures yet proposed to tackle the country's financial crisis.
Associated Press |
Más de 125.000 griegos acuden a la manifestación que ha abierto la huelga general de 48 horas convocada para protestar contra los ajustes
A cada nueva vuelta de tuerca del Gobierno de Atenas a los ajustes, la sociedad griega responde con una movilización mayor que la anterior. Bajo este ambiente de tensión social avivado por el primer ministro, Yorgos Papandreu, quien ayer denunció que el país no puede ser rehén de las protestas, Grecia vive hoy la primera de las dos jornadas consecutivas de una nueva huelga general para protestar contra los ajustes. El paro, además de paralizar la actividad económica del país, se ha saldado con un récord de participación en la primera de las manifestaciones previstas.
Grecia in piazza: scontri al Parlamento l'Unità
Tensioni nella centralissima piazza Syntagma di Atene, dove sono confluiti ben quattro cortei di manifestanti contro i tagli previsti dalle nuove misure di austerità che saranno messe al voto parlamentare fra oggi e domani. Ed è proprio di fronte al grande edificio del parlamento greco, che circa 200 giovani, molti incappucciati hanno cominciato a lanciare molotov e pietre contro un cordone di poliziotti che ha lo scopo di impedire ai manifestanti l'accesso al palazzo. Le forze dell'ordine, in assetto anti-sommossa, hanno risposto sparando gas lacrimogeni sulla folla che - stando alle stime di polizia - avrebbe raggiunto la cifra record di 70mila presenze.
John Kolesidis Reuters |
En Grèce, plus de 120 000 personnes dans les rues contre l'austérité Le Monde
Vols annulés, musées et écoles fermés, taxis et marins en grève. Mercredi 19 octobre à la mi-journée, au moins 125 000 personnes manifestaient en Grèce selon la police, dont 52 000 regroupées autour du Parlement à Athènes. Des rassemblements importants ont également lieu à Salonique, Héraklion et Patras. Il s'agit de la grève générale la plus suivie depuis que le pays a mis en place des mesures d'austérité draconiennes. Quelques incidents, notamment des jets de cocktails Molotov sur la police, ont été signalés en début d'après-midi aux alentours du Parlement.
Greek Workers Start Two-Day Anti-Austerity Strike New York Times
ATHENS — Thousands of Greek workers walked off the job on Wednesday at the start of a two-day general strike to protest a new round of austerity measures that the debt-ridden government must pass through Parliament on Thursday to secure crucial aid and avert a default that could shake the euro zone.
The strike, the second this month, was expected to be one of the biggest since Greece first appealed for foreign support two years ago, with even shops, bakeries and gas stations closing. Most international travel was suspended, with all flights canceled, the national rail service halted and ferries moored in their ports. Public transport was to run on a limited service to enable workers to attend protest rallies. Tax offices, courts and schools shut down, hospitals were operating with only emergency staff and customs officials walked off the job.
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